Sunday, September 30, 2007

NOLA Show @ Print Zero Studios

I intend to keep this blog updated much more frequently now that the
time consuming print exchange is over and I can focus my energy on the
NOLA show and my return trip to NOLA in late November.

On with the show info...

Print Zero Studios presents:
"New Orleans: Art & Awareness"

OPENS: Sunday Oct. 7th, 5 - 8pm
(show runs for the month of October)

Through photos, video, audio interviews, art and words
we focus this show to make people more aware of the
current situation in New Orleans, the experiences of both
the volunteers and survivors, and how you can still help.

We will be selling prints to raise money for two grassroots
organizations that I volunteered with down there. The money
will go towards purchasing Home Depot cards for each organization.

"Common Ground Relief"
They are based in the 9th Ward and are helping to rebuild as well
as provide social services, and legal support for the residents.

H.O.P.E. Project
They are working to rebuild the gutted homes of residents
in St. Bernard Parish.

for more info/pictures regarding the show please visit

This show will remain up throughout the month of October,
please contact Brian 206-363-2997 if you would like more
info or would like to make an appointment to come by.

Print Zero Studios
323 N. 105th St.
Seattle, WA 98133

Located near the corner of 105th & Greenwood Ave. We are
across the street from the Rickshaw Restuarant, and directly
above Ken & Lea's Salon.

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